There is more than one way to engage in mission work for Canvasback.

Trained Professional

If you are trained professional in the medical, dental or field… you are needed.


If you would like to become a representative for Canvasback to your church, club, or organization, you can be of great help.

Office Volunteer

If you live near the Canvasback offices in Benicia CA, we might be able to use your help. We are always on the look-out for dedicated, hardworking, volunteers for various jobs, including general office work, data entry, social media posting, stuffing envelopes, phone calling, packing boxes for shipment, and more.

There is a saying that goes like this: “The person who goes on mission is not the same person who comes home because the one who comes home is far better than the one who left.”

If you would like to be considered as a volunteer for Canvasback Missions, please click-on and fill out the volunteer interest form.


Do you work in

MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Currently we are looking for surgical and clinic-based doctors, nurses, and techs in the following specialties: ENT, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Urology, Ophthalmology, and Dental. We often bring radiologists, general surgeons, nurses, operating room nurses, pathologists, and more on our trips to aid these specialties.

It is possible we could have a need for cardiologists and dermatologists in the future, although we do not currently conduct trips under those specialties. If your position or specialty is not listed, you can feel free to submit an interest form, but know we may not have an opportunity for you.

OTHER TYPES OF TRIP VOLUNTEERS We occasionally have spaces available for non-medical volunteers like photographers, videographers, handy people, IT professionals, clinic assistants and creative cooks on our trips. If you fall under these categories, submit an interest form.

Taking care


Our teams are led by doctors who have previous mission experience with Canvasback. The lead doctors in cooperation with CB, assemble the majority of our teams. Any positions they are unable to fill, or if volunteers drop out, we will fill from our interest pool. Some times these openings become available on short-notice. Let us know if you are interested so we can contact you when openings are available.


If you are interested in volunteering, you can submit a volunteer interest form. Please tell us about any special interests or connections you have with Micronesia in your form.


If you are interested in leading one of our teams, please submit a volunteer interest form and let us know on the form. Check Yes in the Interested In Leading a team box.


All specialty teams are being considered. We are currently working on provisioning 6-8 teams in 2025. Now's the time to show your interest.

Login to apply for a trip.

Below is the listing of mission trips for 2025 currently being provisioned. Let us know if you are interested.

Island     Specialty     Date

Majuro  Orthopedic March 13-28

Majuro  Ophthalmology June 13-28

Majuro Dental, June 13-28

Island    Specialty      Date

Palau    Women's Health May 7-23

Ebeye   Ophthalmology August 17-28

Ebeye Dental August 17-28

Island    Specialty      Date

Palau    Orthopedic October 22 - November 7

Kosrae tentative

Volunteer Interest Form





Already Selected for a Trip?

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